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Who Are We

Our Vision

Our Mission

​MIDORI is an organization focused on forestry and environmental issues. We bridge Indonesian students, scientists, alumni, and diaspora in Japan to maintain relationships with academia, and industry, between the Indonesian government and the Japanese government in the forestry and environment sector.

Becoming an effective collaborative forum for the scientific society and the diaspora of Indonesian foresters in Japan and bridging sustainable forest management collaboration between Indonesia and Japan.

  • MIDORI supports the Forestry Attache' of the Indonesian Embassy for Japan and the Republic of Micronesia to further the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia-Japan.

  • To bring and develop the sciences and technology on sustainable forest management.

  • Developing the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan in the field of Forestry and Climate Change.

MIDORI IJFT 3 website 2.png

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MIDORI Event: The 3rd Indonesia-Japan Forest Talk (IJFT-3) @ Tsukuba Center for Institutes

February, 24 2023       

Event Announcements

Nusantara is also designed as "the driver of the Indonesian economy in the future" where it is defined as a city that is progressive, innovative, and competitive in terms of technology, architecture, urban planning, and society. The development of Nusantara establishes an economic strategy superhubs associated with spatial strategy beyond current potential, ensuring productive synergies between workforce, infrastructure, resources, and networks, and maximizing employment opportunities for the entire population of the city. In addition, Nusantara is designed to embody identity, social characters, unity, and the greatness of the nation that reflects the uniqueness of Indonesia.

The question is, what does it mean by forest city of Nusantara? Do we share similar views over this term? How can Japanese Stakeholders support the Development of Nusantara? To answer the questions, the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo in collaboration with MIDORI Forestry Association, University of Tsukuba, Sumitomo Forestry Co. Ltd., University of Brawijaya, and Arena-Pac, is organizing the 3rd Indonesia-Japan  Forest Talk (IJFT-3) entitled “Moving Forward with the Concept of Smart and Sustainable Forest City for Nusantara”.

MIDORI Event: The ceremonial establishment of MIDORI: @KBRI Tokyo, Japan

The Compilation of MIDORI's Activities 

May 20th, 2022        Event Report 

By the upcoming 30th anniversary of the establishment of Forestry Attache in Japan and also 65th anniversary bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Japan, MIDORI was established in order to strengthen  [...]

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